While my interesting vocation is writing and my pleasant, thrilling avocation is flying the writing about flying three times each week becomes a heavy burden at times. Real enjoyment of both, however, comes in the fine letters received from readers.

Today I want to introduce to you two fine elderly folk, who probably have the free airplane ride offered by Sky Writing, all sewed up. They are both past ninety years of age. Let their letter speak more eloquently than I can describe their zest in living:

"Dear Sky Writing: We have been following your interesting column, and get much pleasure and enjoyment from it.

It is interesting to note the changes in modes of transportation since we came to Indiana many years ago.

I came here from Ohio at the age of six, taking several days to make the trip by covered wagon and only making a few miles per day, camping and sleeping in the wagon at night. A great outing at that time!


My husband was born northwest of Warsaw in what was then very much timbered land. Much pioneering was going on at that time in clearing land and building log houses and sheds.

The favorite method of travel in those early days was by walking or horseback. Very few buggies and those in the villages. Much of the farm work was being done by oxen.

And to think of the changes made from the early days --from 125 to 500 miles per hour through the air. Please keep your column in The Times as it is so interesting to fly through the air over the many lakes and beautiful hillsides with you.

Mr. Goshert and I are residing in our own home and enjoying life together in our latter years. He is 95 and my age is past 90. And if our ages should be the oldest recorded by you, we wish to nominate our son for the free airplane ride. He is Clifford E. Goshert, 1611 East Center street, Warsaw. Very truly yours, MR. and MRS. HARVEY GOSHERT, 504 North Lake street, Warsaw.

Now isn't that a wonderful letter? Reflect a moment upon the flexible thinking and the progressive attitudes behind it. It almost proves that life "begins at 90," doesn't it?

Can any reader top that 95-year figure? We'll see. In the meantime, Mr. Clifford Goshert, you have a ride coming some nice day, when we'll fly over that North Lake street home and "salute" the folk, what say?

Warsaw Daily Times, Fri. Apr. 2, 1948

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